26-28 September 2017
Departing Faithful Missionaries from the great Australia Perth Mission.
We certainly will miss these wonderful, faithful, missionaries of the great Australia Perth Mission. They have served with love in their hearts for their companions and fellow missionaries, and especially love for the people they were called to teach about Heavenly Father's plan of happiness, which centers around his son, Jesus Christ, and his atonement for every one of his children. We will miss them greatly. They are returning to Marshall Islands, Tahiti, Philippines, and Australia. We love you. Go forward with faith and continue to serve, to learn, to grow, and to change.
Our Newest Arriving Missionaries! (Goldens!!!)
We are so excited to welcome our newest Golden Missionaries to the great Australia Perth Mission! You made it!!! We are happy you are joining us and know you will find joy as you give your hearts , your minds, and your strength every day in order to share the gospel message of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. There are 1000's waiting to be found, taught the gospel of hope and personal change (repentance) and will be prepared to make the covenant of baptism and to receive the gift of the the Holy Ghost to guide them back to Heavenly Father. We are happy you are here, and we love you!
Some Transfer Photos...
Some extra bedding bags!
Some bikes and bedding bags awaiting their new owners!
Mission Companions and friends for life! From Tonga, Malaysia, and USA.
3 - 10 September 2017
District Meetings
3 Week Follow Up Training
North Coast Stake Conference
Come and See Fireside Dianella
It is always wonderful to have interview weeks roll around! You missionaries are wonderful and inspiring to meet with!
When we attend District Meetings it never ceases to amaze us what inspiring teachers you have become!
3 Week Follow Up Training was held this week. Lots of instruction, training, and role playing!
North Coast Stake Conference was inspiring as some time was spent hearing conversion stories of members of that Stake.
The Come and See Fireside was inspirational and well attended. Beautiful sharing of recent converts and their journey shared in how they found the gospel. The music was really exceptional as well. Lots of visiting afterward and good food!
This great man pictured here with his sweet wife, was baptized last year. We're so happy they were able to make it to the fireside.
Conference Quote:
" My dear associates in the work of the Lord, I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. As we do so, we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven’s help in our lives. I so testify with all my heart in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." President Thomas S. Monson
Who would not want the blessings of hearing the voice of the Spirit, of receiving more help to resist temptation, and to overcome doubt and fear? What a blessing to have our Prophet remind us of the blessings that can come from studying and pondering the truths we find in the Book of Mormon. Let's share it with all the people we can here in Western Australia! There are many people he has prepared for us to find, teach , and bring to the covenant of baptism!