Zone Conferences!!!
We had great and uplifting sessions of Zone Conference this last week. It's wonderful and exciting to be together and to feel each other's enthusiasm for missionary service. We focused on Preach My Gospel chapter 8 with gaining a vision for our work by remembering the "Why" of doing what we do and always keeping in mind our missionary purpose. Then creating inspired goals so that we can focus on what has to be accomplished in order for the vision to come to pass. And then the detailed plan (weekly, daily, and sometimes even shorter periods of time) so that the goals can be achieved and thereby enabling the vision to be realized!
We shared insights from our previously assigned study of Preach My Gospel chapters 4 and 10.
We discussed the importance of becoming "Spiritually Self Reliant".
We studied 2 Nephi 32:9, 2 Nephi 2: 1, D&C 84:88
Tracking New Convert Retention
Members in the work.
We reviewed all kinds of aspects of Preach My Gospel.
Alma 37:33 Remember as investigators struggle, help them build their faith on Christ. Rather than seeing investigators lack of following through on commitments as a problem, view it as a really great teaching opportunity on how they can exercise faith in Christ to act.
We ended with wonderful testimonies from our next group of departing missionaries...who still have 4 Weeks to preach the wonderful doctrines repentance and to baptize converts!
Northern Zones Lunch
Souther Zones Lunch
Thank you Elders and Sisters for your faithful service! You are the best missionaries in the world!!!!