Thursday, 4 February 2021

Mission Tour and An Important Invitation

We had a wonderful mission tour this week with a member of the Area Presidency and his wife, via Zoom. We focused on being disciples of Christ and our missionary purpose.  An important question for all of us to ask of ourselves is: What has God done for you?

If we think and ponder on this great question, our hearts should be filled with deep gratitude and love for Him.

What has God done for you?

To name a few: He has given us the gift of life itself; the gift of agency to choose for ourselves; the gift of prayer, so we can speak to Him, our Heavenly Father anytime; the gift of coming to this earth to learn, to grow, to be tried, to progress; the gift of our bodies; the gift of the Holy Ghost when we are baptized into His Church; the gift of family; the gift of a living prophet on the earth today; the gift of His plan of happiness where His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ is at the very centre. He is our Saviour and Redeemer. He lived a perfect life. He taught, healed and performed miracles. The greatest gift of all, is Jesus Christ's infinite Atonement, for all mankind. It encompasses His suffering in Gethsemane, His death upon the cross and and His literal Resurrection. Because of Him we are all redeemed unconditionally from physical death and are redeemed from spiritual death as we come unto Him and His gospel. Our missionaries teach this glorious message and share how Christ's restored Gospel is upon the earth once more so we can learn all we need to do and become, to have happiness in this life and in the world to come. That we may be united as families now and in the eternities. We invite all to learn of Him and His restored Gospel. He lives and loves you.

                                Missionaries participating in our Virtual Mission Tour via Zoom 


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